
Legal Effects of Pre-Incorporation Contracts

Pre-incorporation contracts, also known as pre-incorporation agreements, refer to the legal agreements entered into by a company or corporation before its incorporation. These contracts can be of different types, including agreements for the purchase of assets, contracts with suppliers, and employment agreements with executives and employees. In this article, we will discuss the legal effects of pre-incorporation contracts and how they can impact a business in various ways.

Understanding Pre-Incorporation Contracts

Pre-incorporation contracts are legal agreements entered into by parties on behalf of a corporation that is yet to be formed. These agreements are enforceable under certain conditions, and they may have significant legal implications for the corporation once it is incorporated.

Pre-incorporation contracts can be entered into by promoters of the company, who are responsible for negotiating and finalizing the terms and conditions of these agreements. Promoters are individuals or groups who initiate the business formation process and secure financing or other resources necessary for the corporation`s establishment.

Legal Effects of Pre-Incorporation Contracts

The legal effects of pre-incorporation contracts can vary depending on the circumstances and the terms of the agreement. Some of the legal effects of pre-incorporation contracts are discussed below.

1. Validity and Enforceability

Pre-incorporation contracts are valid and enforceable if they meet certain requirements. For an agreement to be enforceable, it must be in writing and signed by all parties involved. Additionally, pre-incorporation contracts must be authorized by the corporation`s bylaws, which outline the legal procedures for entering into such agreements.

2. Liability

Pre-incorporation contracts can create potential liability for the corporation before it is incorporated. If the corporation is not able to honor the agreement after its formation, the promoter who entered into the agreement on behalf of the corporation may be held personally liable for any damages or losses suffered by the other party to the agreement.

3. Assignability

Pre-incorporation contracts may be assignable to the corporation once it is formed. However, the assignment of the contract is subject to the consent of all parties involved. If any party is not willing to assign the contract, the corporation may not be able to assume the obligations and benefits of that agreement.

4. Modifications and Terminations

Once a corporation is incorporated, pre-incorporation agreements may be modified or terminated by the corporation. However, modifying or terminating a pre-incorporation contract may require the consent of all parties involved.


Pre-incorporation contracts are legal agreements that can have significant legal implications for a corporation. These agreements can be enforceable, create potential liability, and may impact the corporation`s ability to enter into future agreements. As a result, it is essential for business owners and promoters to understand the legal effects of pre-incorporation agreements and seek legal guidance when entering into such contracts. By doing so, businesses can avoid potential legal issues and ensure they are fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.